Through PhD thesis and collaborative projects, with public as well as private partners, EPEU carries out researches in the following main topics:
Smart grids and micro-grids
Energy markets
Net zero energy builds and districts
Renewable energies and storage systems
Wireless power transfer
Power electronics for railways and space applications
​Control and stability of power electronics-dominated power grids
Modeling of electromagnetic devices using numerical methods
The esearch activities involve two main streams of focus:
Power Systems and Markets
Contact: Prof. F. Vallé, Prof. Z. De Grève
Power & Energy Conversion
Contact: Prof. Olivier Deblecker, Prof. B. Bakhshideh Zad
Interested in one of these research topics ? Please contact the related group leader.
Ongoing PhD Theses
Join&Set-REC: From Joint Investment to Settlement Models for Renewable Energy Communities
PhD Researcher: J. Allard
Supervisor: Z. De grève Co-Supervisor: F. Vallée
Impact of Hydrogen on Power System Adequacy Assessment: application on the future coupled electricity-hydrogen Belgian System in 2030
PhD Researcher: A. Hernandez
Supervisor: F. Vallée Co-Supervisor: E. De jaeger
Neural Network Informed Optimization for Leveraging Flexibility From Complex Electricity Systems
PhD Researcher: P. Favaro
Supervisor: F. Vallée Co-Supervisor: J-F. Toubeau
Integrating advanced energy storage facilities in energy markets
PhD Researcher: H. Khaloie
Supervisor: F. Vallée Co-Supervisor:
Improved offshore wind generation modelling in power systems adequacy evaluation by use of Machine-Learning proxies
PhD Researcher: T.-H. Nguyen
Supervisor: F. Vallée Co-Supervisor:
Reactive Power Management in Renewable-Dominated Electrical Power Systems
PhD Researcher: A. Rossel
Supervisor: Z. De Grève Co-Supervisor:B. Bakhshideh Zad
Enhancing and Optimizing Investment Tools for Renewable Energy Communities through Advanced Data Analytics and Industrial Energy Asset Sizing
PhD Researcher : A. Panier
Supervisor:Z. De Grève Co-Supervisor: B. Bakhshideh Zad
Contribution to the provision of flexibility via wind-generated electricity production
PhD Researcher : S.Gilles
Supervisor:F. Vallée Co-Supervisor:
Combining model-based and data-driven approaches for enhanced coordination of electricity and gas systems
PhD Researcher: C. Dupont
Supervisor: F. Vallée Co-Supervisor: B. François
Modelling multi-sector local energy communities
PhD Researcher: H. Hesamzadeh
Supervisor: Z. De Grève Co-Supervisor:
Incorporating Energy Community Members' Behavior in Local Energy and Flexibility Markets
PhD Researcher: J. Faraji
Supervisor: Z. De Grève Co-Supervisor: F. Vallée
Advanced control solutions for enhanced resilience of multiport power electronic converters
PhD Researcher: M. Scohier
Supervisor: O. Deblecker Co-Supervisor: C. Valderrama
Multiplayer Games and Prospect Theory
for the modeling of Renewable Energy Communities
PhD Researcher: L. Sadoine
Supervisor: T. Brihaye Co-Supervisor: Z. De Grève
A Data-Driven Approach to Demand Response Modeling in Generation Adequacy Analysis
PhD Researcher : B. Vatandoust
Supervisor: F. Vallée Co-Supervisor:
Development of new closer-to-real-time control methodologies for power systems dominated by Renewable Energy Sources
PhD Researcher : C.Rasic
Supervisor:F. Vallée Co-Supervisor: J-F. Toubeau
Development of Energy System Management and Control Tools for Multi-Energy Renewable Energy Communities
PhD Researcher : L.Liegeois
Supervisor:Z. De Grève Co-Supervisor:
Published PhD Theses
​S. A. Hosseini, "Fluctuation-Aware Wind Power Scheduling in Day-Ahead Energy an Reserve Markets" (Supervisor: F. Vallée; Co-supervisor: J.-F. Toubeau - KU Leuven) - Public defence: 24/04/23
L. Codjo, "Data-Based Investigations of Low Voltage Distribution Systems: Machine Learning Applications for the Monitoring of the Network Under Ageing and Variable Atmospheric Conditions" (Supervisors: F. Vallée & B. François, Joint PhD with Ecole Centrale de Lille) - Public defence: 24/11/22
A. Arrigo, "Advanced Uncertainty- and Physics-Aware Optimization for Energy Systems Operation" (Supervisor: F. Vallée; Co-supervisor: J. Kazempour - Technical University of Denmark (DTU)) - Public defence: 03/10/22
J. Bottieau, "Machine Learning for Risk-Aware Decision-Making in Short-Term Electricity Markets. On the Provision of Real-Time Balancing Services in European Markets" (Supervisor: F. Vallée; Co-supervisor: J.-F. Toubeau) - Public defence: 19/04/22
M. Hupez, "Enabling Mutualization and Prosumer Empowerment for Collective-Centric Optimization. Towards Responsible Energy Communities" (Supervisor: F. Vallée; Co-supervisor: Z. De Grève) - Public defence: 22/02/22
G. Lossa, "Modélisation des incertitudes géométriques et matérielles pour la caractérisation des composants magnétiques bobinés moyenne fréquence" (Supervisor: O. Deblecker; Co-supervisor: Z. De Grève) - Public defence: 21/10/2021
D. Thomas, "Energy Management in Smart Grids and Markets Optimization: Energy Scheduling, Power Quality Improvement and Local Market Design Focusing on Physical Storage Rights" (Supervisor : O. Deblecker; Co-supervisor: C. Ioakimidis) - Public defence: 25/10/2019
A. Desmoort, "Modeling and optimal command of resonant wireless power transfer systems" (Supervisor : O. Deblecker; Co-supervisor: Z. De Grève) - Public defence: 21/10/2019
C. Stevanoni, "Long-term planning of connected industrial microgrids Towards tractable decisions by game theory and energy exchanges management" (Supervisor : O. Deblecker; Co-supervisor: F. Vallée) - Public defence: 18/9/2019
Y. Bencherif, "Assessment and monitoring of the aging of the polymer coating of high voltage composite insulators" (Supervisors : J. Lobry, A. Mekhaldi; Co-supervisor: M. Olivier) - Public defence: 21/6/2019
B. Bakhshideh, "Centralized Control of Voltage in the MV Distribution Systems under Deterministic to Uncertain Model" (Supervisor : J. Lobry; Co-supervisor: F. Vallée) - Public defence: 5/10/2018
J.-F. Toubeau, "Stochastic optimization of Virtual Power Plants participating in electricity markets: from forecasting to decision-making" (Supervisor : F. Vallée) - Public defence: 14/6/2018
L. Exizidis, "Electricity Markets with High Wind Power Penetration: Information Sharing and Incentive-Compatibility" (Supervisor : F. Vallée; Co-supervisor: Z. De Grève) - Public defence: 5/12/2017
V. Klonari, "Probabilistic Analysis of Low Voltage Distribution Networks with Distributed Generation" (Supervisor : F. Vallée; Co-supervisor: J. Lobry) - Public defence: 4/11/2016
F. Leroy, "Design and realization of a 50-W DC :DC converter switching at 50 MHz. Application to spaceborne envelope-tracking radiofrequency transmitters" (confidential manuscript) (Supervisor : O. Deblecker; Co-supervisor: F. Dualibe) - Public defence: 25/06/2015