Academics of the EPEU have teaching activities at Bachelor's, Master's and postgraduate levels, both in Mons and Charleroi. Since the academic year 2016-17, all the Master's courses are offered in English.
The Unit also ensures the academic coordination of the Certificate in Energy Electronics (Joint Programme) since the academic year 2018-19 and it is involved in the coordination of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in SMArt Cities and Communities (SMACCs) since 2019-20.
Teaching activities
Bachelor (Mons)
Bachelor (Charleroi)
Bachelor (Charleroi)
Bachelor (Mons)

Machines électriques
Holder: Prof. O. Deblecker
Compléments de machines électriques
Holder: Prof. O. Deblecker
Fondements des réseaux électriques
Holder: Prof. F. Vallée & Co-Holder: Prof. J.Lobry

Machines électriques en régime
Holder: Prof. Z. De Grève
Réseaux électriques en régime
Holder: Prof. Z. De Grève
Projet multidisciplinaire 3
Holder: Prof. Z. De Grève & Co-Holder: Prof.J.-F. Determe (ULB)
Conversion électronique de l'énergie
Holder: Prof. B. Bakhshideh Zad

Energy Electronics I
Holder: Prof. O. Deblecker
Energy Electronics II
Holder: Prof. O. Deblecker
Electrical Vehicles Drives
Holder: Prof. O. Deblecker
Renewable and Distributed Power Generation in Electrical Networks
Holder: Prof. O. Deblecker
Project of Electrical / Thermal Vehicles
Holder: Prof. O. Deblecker & Substitute lecturer: S. Zeoli
Steady-state Operation of Synchronous Machines
Holder: Prof. F. Vallée
Steady-State Disturbed Operation of Power Systems
Holder: Prof. F. Vallée & Co-Holder: Prof. J. Lobry
Transients in Synchronous Machines
Holder: Prof. F. Vallée
Security of Supply in Renewable-Dominated Power Systems
Holder: Prof. F. Vallée
Unbalanced Operation of Renewable-Dominated Distribution Systems
Holder: Prof. F. Vallée
Security of Supply
Holder: Prof. F. Vallée
Electricity Distribution Networks
Holder: Prof. F. Vallée
Exact Optimization of Energy Systems
Holder: Prof. Z. De Grève
​Energy Economics
Holder: Prof. Z. De Grève & Co-Holder: Prof. F. Vallée
Project in Energy Economics
Holder: Prof. Z. De Grève
Sustainable Transport in Cities
Holder: Prof. Z. De Grève & Substitute lecturer: F. John
Introduction to Modelling in Transport
Holder: Prof. Z. De Grève
High Voltage Engineering
Holder: Prof. J. Lobry
Power System Dynamics and Stability
Holder: Prof. J. Lobry
Numerical Methods
Holders: Prof. J. Lobry & G. Coussement & W. De Paepe