We are pleased to announce that the kick-off meeting of the SALOME project recently granted by the European Interreg FWV was held on 20th august 2024 at UMONS in presence of the whole project consortium.
The meeting provided each project partner the opportunity to present the targeted research plan, also, to discuss the interaction among different partners, and, to elaborate the communication and project management plans.
The SALOME project aims to investigate a novel scientific strategy for dynamic management and predictive maintenance of offshore wind turbines by taking into consideration all the physical parameters and phenomena impacting their aging in order to facilitate a fatigue-informed participation of offshore wind farms in frequency control and in electricity markets (day-ahead and reserve).
The project brings together universities and research centers expert in modelling of atmospheric phenomena (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, France), developing real-time temperature and vibration sensors (Advanced Photonic Sensors, UMONS, & Applied Photonics Department, Multitel), modelling and control of wind turbines (Electrical Energy Laboratory (EELAB), Ghent University, Belgium), and in developing optimized decision-making tools for power systems and electricity markets (Electrical Power Engineering Unit, UMONS).
SALOME project will be led & coordinated by UMONS.