Martin Scohier
PhD Researcher
Teaching assistant

Research activity:
Martin Scohier gratuated in 2020 as an Electrical Engineer specialized in Electrical Energy & Smart Grids in the University of Mons, Belgium. Since then, he is a Ph.D. student as well as teaching assistant in the fields of Power Electronics, Machine Drives and Micro Electronics. His researches focus around smart control strategies applied to multiport power converters.

Compared to multiple two-port converters, the benefits of multiport topologies lie in the higher power density and efficiency, the various voltage levels of the DC outputs, reduced cost, etc. On the other hand, the control aspects are very challenging since these converters are MIMO systems with many cross-coupled control loops. In this context, the main research aim of this thesis is the development of advanced control strategies with a view to enhance the system performance and resiliency against abnormal or bound operation conditions (such as, e.g., faults or voltage violations in distribution networks and micro-grids with a high penetration of renewables). These strategies should be viable in terms of computation burden, notably with regard to real-time implementation.
Office location:

+32 (0) 65 37 41 54

Electrical Power Engineering Unit
Boulevard Dolez, 31
7000 Mons (Belgium)