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Loïc Liegeois

PhD Researcher

Research activity:


Loïc Liégeois graduated in June 2024 with a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, specializing in Electrical Energy and Smart Grids, from the University of Mons (Belgium). He is currently pursuing a PhD as part of the Power Systems & Markets Research Group, within the Electrical Power Engineering Unit. His research focuses on the integration of both electrical and heat networks in Renewable Energy Communities, with emphasis on modeling, optimization, and control.

Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) bring together energy end-users who are allowed to exchange locally produced renewable energy without relying on traditional wholesale/retail markets. The benefits of RECs can be economic (e.g., reducing energy bills for end-users), ecological (e.g., promoting investment in renewable energy production), social (e.g., providing fair access to energy), and technical (e.g., reducing grid voltage and capacity violations).

Heat networks, also known as district heating systems, are infrastructures that distribute heat to end-users with high overall energy efficiency. Fifth Generation District Heating and Cooling (5GDHC) networks improve the integration of decentralized renewable energy generation while offering both heating and cooling services.

This thesis is conducted within the framework of the Integrated Local Energy Systems (ILES) project and aims to develop energy system management and control tools for multi-energy RECs, explicitly modeling both electricity and heating networks.

Office location:


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+32 (0) 65 37 40 58

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Electrical Power Engineering Unit
Boulevard Dolez, 31
7000 Mons (Belgium)

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