Behzad Vatandoust
PhD Researcher

Research activity:
Behzad Vatandoust received his MSc in Electrical Power Engineering from K. N. Toosi University of Technology in Iran. He joined Power System and Market Research Group as a research assistant and PhD student in October 2020 as a member of ADABEL project, and he is currently working towards his PhD degree. His research interests include demand response modeling, power system adequacy analysis, and application of artificial intelligence concepts in power system studies.
The ADABEL (Advanced Data Analytics ensuring cost-efficient security of supply and balancing throughout the BELgian energy transition) funded by FPS Economy, S.M.E.s, Self-Employed and Energy is collaboration between University of Mons and KU Leuven and industry partners Elia and ENTSO-E. ADABEL aims at facilitating the Belgian energy transition through the development of advanced data-analytics and artificial-intelligence (AI) concepts, and comprises three main challenges pertaining to the Belgian electricity system namely adequacy, balancing and security of supply. The ongoing PhD project is a part of the generation adequacy work package and focuses on implementation of data-driven concepts in demand response modeling. The scope of research includes approaches ranging from hybrid data-driven and classic optimization methods to pure AI models.
Office location:

+32 (0) 65 37 40 91

Electrical Power Engineering Unit
Boulevard Dolez, 31
7000 Mons (Belgium)