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Bashir Bakhshideh Zad

Associate professor

ALSTOM Chair Holder

Research activity:


Bashir Bakhshideh Zad received his Master’s degree in Electrical Power Engineering in 2011. His PhD thesis was accomplished in 2018 at the University of Mons, Belgium where he held Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant positions. He was a Project Engineer in Tractebel Engie, Belgium between 2019 and 2020. He held a Postdoctoral Research Fellow position at the Power Systems and Markets Research (PSMR) group of the UMONS between 2020 and 2023. Since March 2023, he works as an Associate Professor in the Electrical Power Engineering Unit (EPEU) at the University of Mons.

Bashir Bakhshideh Zad holds the Chair in Energy Electronics at UMONS funded by Alstom Belgium. The Alstom Chair at UMONS started its activities in March 2023 with the ambition to create a Center of Excellence in Power Electronics for Energy Applications in Mons, Belgium. Particularly, the Chair aims to contribute to Research & Innovation on Power Electronics as a key enabler of Energy Transition. Bashir Bakhshideh Zad leads the research activities of the Chair in Energy Electronics focusing on the fields such as Power Electronics-Dominated Power Grids, Electric Mobility, and Electric Transport (Railway). He also teaches Power Electronic and Power System courses at UMONS.

Office location:


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+32 (0) 65 37 41 24

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Electrical Power Engineering Unit
Boulevard Dolez, 31
7000 Mons (Belgium)

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